K, I'm just going to be straight forward, I know your a newbie, but still it's just easiest if I do. It's ugly, sorry but true. The flow is all over the place, the text is unneeded and it clashes with everything...The text also floats a lot. The sig itself is very low quality, and the colors clash imo. I'm not sure why there is 3 renders on top of eachother..and the c4d in the back is um, just sittin there. More than one flow almost never looks good, so I would not do that again. I'm not sure what overlays you did, but they make all the colors clash, and what's his name, looks...like mustard and ketchup.
I know I'm bashin on ya, but don't worrie, you'll get better. If ya need any pointers just ask.
I would like to see ya do some tuts.