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Forum » Showrooms » GFX Show Off » GOR's New Website stuff....
GOR's New Website stuff....
DoudyxXxDubsDate: Wednesday, 17 Nov 2010, 4:41 PM | Message # 1
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So my clan got a new website, and I wanted it to look pimp, so I made it some stuff.

Check the website out:

Rank Tags:

- Immortal
- Jedi Master
- Cursed One
- Jedi Lord
- Ironman
- Jedi knight
- Senator
- Jedi Padawan
- Malignant Larvae
- Jedi Youngling
- Visitor

Forum Buttons:

- No new posts
- New posts

GOR Logos:



GOR Banners(rotate at random when changing pages):

(PS2 vs. PS3 Sectors)

(MW2 PS3)

(Jedi PS2)

BlitzKriegDate: Wednesday, 17 Nov 2010, 5:26 PM | Message # 2
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I think I know where the "Malignant Larvae" rank came from lol winksanta
but pretty awesome, I like all of these, except for the primary logo, it looks way too evil IMO.

Smudgies <3

DoudyxXxDubsDate: Wednesday, 17 Nov 2010, 11:56 PM | Message # 3
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They wanted something evil...idk for gamebattles

SiphenzDate: Thursday, 18 Nov 2010, 0:29 AM | Message # 4
The Hitokiri
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good freaking shit dude


DenialDate: Thursday, 18 Nov 2010, 1:23 PM | Message # 5
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nice stuff you made Doudy.
+1 rep..
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