OK, I have an idea, but I don't want to do all the work and then have no body like it, so I'm gonna ask the peoples of the forum. I'm looking to make an awards system, and make almost like a trophy case, on the side bar there under your name.
<-----As you can see there on the side I made an example. So every sotw win you get myself or one of the admins will give you an award, there will be awards for random contests, sotm, and some other things that I'll figure out later.
I just wanted to see if you all liked the idea, before proceeding with it. I will be making better buttons of course for it, not the crappy white one you see there, they'll be cooler.
But I feel this will add some more competition to the whole "contests" thing, and will get people more excited and ACTIVE about the contests and hopefully the site itself.
So do you like the idea? Yay or Nay?