I'm sure Elegance knows about this but I got the idea when I was looking through his Portfolio. I was wondering, what if we had a week where instead of making signatures individually, we had a week with the theme "Collaboration".
Everyone who wishes to participate makes a reply to the started sotw topic. They will then receive a number based on the time they post and then they will be paired up randomly with another member to work together on making a winning sig. Winners both receive a SOTW award and both have chances of getting SOTM and even SOTY if that comes around... By having a Collab, members can learn from one another and grow faster than doing a simple tutorial or reading advice.
Specific Rule on making the Collab:
-Hard rule (I'm still deciding on this), No PSDs. Each layer must be flattened on.
-Each layer in the signature must be rotating between team members.
-The first member starts it and the last member ends it in a team.
For Example, if Doudy and I were making a signature, If Doudy starts it then I would make the next layer without Doudy touching it. Doudy may give advice but not actually taking over his partner's layer. Doudy makes the next layer and I make the next one. In the end I would create the last layer because Doudy made the first.
Teams will need:
-A form of communication outside of ImagineNation.
-A sense of agreement.
I'm still rough on the rules but thats the jist of it. Let me know what you all think.